白求恩东方医学中心是加拿大埃德蒙顿最大的针灸和中医诊所,致力于为中西结合医学提供顶级服务。另外,我们是麦克文大学认可的教学诊所。我们采用团队合作的方式,提供针灸,草药,推拿按摩和其他治疗方式,以取得最佳的临床效果。我们的团队具有教育,经验,奉献和关怀的精神,已成功地帮助了成千上万被疾病困扰的患者。 白求恩中心以诺曼·白求恩博士的名字命名,以提醒我们他的精神,道德,奉献精神,专业精神以及对人类健康和幸福的热爱。我们相信,通过共同努力,我们可以有所作为。
电话: 780-461-6668
邮箱: bethunecentre@hotmail.com
地址: 3220–Parson Road (99 St) Edmonton, AB, T6N 1M2
星期一 - 星期五 9 am – 7 pm
星期六 星期天 9 am – 5 pm
Chinese Medicine in Edmonton
Testimonial Post Slider
I am using several strategies to restore my health and believe that the use of acupuncture and herbs are contributing to my ongoing healing. I appreciate that Jane is interested in hearing how other forms of treatment are helping me because the various methods are affirming each other’s diagnosis which is most helpful to me.
When it comes to aches and pains we need to listen to what we tell our bodies. Bethune Center’s focus on natural healing methods and the vast knowledge and positive attitude towards patients contributes to fast healing. Your approach of ancient Chinese medicine combined with modern science definitely makes total sense.
Before coming have I had been seen by numerous doctors or specialists and none could help me or no one can tell me where the problem is so I continued and lost my ability to walk. Since coming here I am back on my feet and feel much better. My doctor all amazed and have asked me for the clinic’s name.
After feeling disillusioned with Western medicine and having Dr.’s tell me that they can only treat the symptoms I turned to TCM. Within a few visits I was 75% improved and feeling energy for the first time in 7 months. Thank you.
I would like to take your business card and hand it out to my friends when they talk about their medical problems. I will tell them that you were a very good help with my neck problem and my back of sleeping. After 10 treatments, I feel 100% better. Thanks.