Registered Acupuncturist
Chinese Herbalist
Registered Massage Therapist
PhD in Community Medicine (Canada)
Medical Doctor (China)

Dr. Frank Fu-Lin Wang is the President and founding member of Bethune Oriental Medicine Center. Trained in both Western and Oriental medicine in China and Canada, He devotes his knowledge, skills, experience, compassion, and dedication to the cause of integrative medicine and Oriental medicine. His unique approach in medicine combined with his remarkable professional morality has made him a highly respected teacher, practitioner, and researcher.

Dr. Frank Fu-lin Wang has received a Bachelor of Medicine (Clinical) from Ningxia Medical College in 1982, a Master of Medicine from Harbin Medical University in 1987, and a PhD in Epidemiology from The University of Calgary in 1994. He was the recipient of Outstanding Student Award from Ningxia Medical College (1980-82), National Scholarship Award from the State Education Commission, The People’s Republic of China (1989), Studentship Award from Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (1991-1993), Premier’s Award from Alberta provincial government (2000-2001, 2007).

Dr. Frank Wang in clinicDr. Frank Fu-Lin Wang works as Epidemiologist for Alberta Health and Wellness and has been a Registered Acupuncturist, in private practice since 1995. He also involves in teaching and research. He served as the Adjunct Assistant Professor of University of Calgary, Visiting Professor of Ningxia Medical College, Instructor for the Acupuncture Diploma Program at Grant MacEwan University between 1998 and 2017 – has been actively involved in the organizations of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. He is the VP and Executive President of Canadian Institute of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research(, Chairman of the International Conference of Traditional Medicines on Health and Wellness (, the coordinator of the Steering Committee of the WFCMS International Collaboration Center of TCM Clinical Research in Canada, and was the Board of Examiners in Acupuncture in the past.

Dr. Frank Fu-Lin Wang believes in balance and integrative medicine and has a special interest in treatment of obesity, neurological disorders, accidental injury, and cancer.